Project Details

There are three major tasks involved with this project, all which cater to Math improvement in Abiword –

  1. At the end of this project, Abiword will use Lasem instead of the unmaintained GtkMathView library to display math equations.
  2. Modified XSL stylesheets which will fix the mathml to itex conversion issues.
  3. An enhanced math editor which will help users who are not completely familiar with latex/itex.

I am convinced that this project will benefit Abiword, by significantly improving Abiword’s Math plugin. When this project is finished –

  1. Abiword will use a better library to display equations, fixing numerous existing issues. This will benefit Abiword users as they will not encounter numerous bugs in mathview’s display.
  2. It will benefit Abiword developers, as they are now using a better library which is continuously being developed.
  3. Better mathml to itex conversions will improve Abiword’s user experience.
  4. The Latex insert plugin will be significantly enhanced, making it more user friendly, especially to users unfamiliar with latex.
  5. The widget can also be reused in Gnumeric.

 My rough schedule would be to finish the first two parts(replacing mathview with Lasem and  building modified stylesheets) before the mid-term evaluations, and focus my efforts post mid-term on the enhanced editor. 

For now, time to get started with investigating Lasem!

Hello, World!

Contrary to the usual blogs  on life philosophies, enraged rants about what is wrong with the internet and funny cat pictures,  this blog is will be used to share my progress during Google Summer of Code ’13.

After a tense wait, the list of accepted students were published on 27th May, and I was delighted to find my name listed there. My project proposal on various math improvements to the Abiword Project(a really cool, cross-platform word processor) was accepted. More details on my project in the posts to come.

I would like to thank the Abiword community for all their guidance during the application period, especially my mentor Jean. I look forward to an exciting summer, and the beginning of my (hopefully) long-lasting journey into the world of FLOSS!